
New Publication in Inorganic Chemistry:

Many congratulations to Dawn E. Barry, who in collaboration with Komala Pandurangan, Aramballi Jayant Savyasachi, Robert D. Peacock (University of Glasgow) and Jonathan A. Kitchen (Massey University) and their contribution: “Formation of enantiomerically pure luminescent triple-stranded dimetallic europium helicates and their corresponding hierarchical self-assembly formation in protic polar solutions” accepted for publication in Inorg. Chem. (DOI:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.0c00058). The work was supported by Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) and demonstrates the use of lanthanide directed synthesis of supramolecular structures from chiral organic ligands, and their application in the formation of higher order (hierarchical) structures (microparticles) which were analysed using  high-resolution imaging facilities here at the AML unit (part of AMBER and CRANN).


  1. Many congratulations to Jason on his paper “Aggregation induced emission (AIE) active 4-amino-1,8-naphthalimide-Tröger’s base for the selective sensing of chemical explosives in competitive aqueous media”, which has been accepted in Chem. Commun., (DOI: 10.1039/c9cc08457f). The synthesis of the target ligand (shown below) and all the sensing/supramolecular/materials aspects of the work was carried out by Jason in collaboration with Prof. Sankarasekaran Shanmugaraju (Raju) from the Indian Institute of Technology Palakkad, Kerala ( and Oxana (form the TG research group), while the computational part of the work was overseen and executed by Deivasigamani Umadevi in collaboration with Prof. Graeme W. Watson from the School of Chemistry. This work, once again, demonstrates the versatility of the naphthalimide-Tröger’s base building unit within supramolecular chemistry.

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